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Share Your GrowPlease share us your grow and bring us along with you on your grow journey
WelcomeWelcome to the new forum, run by the users! This website was set up and is being run by previous users of the original. After working with the community for so long and as friendly of a place as it was…we just couldn’t let it die. After the last site closed, we decided we had to bring it back to life. The community has always been helpful and there is a wealth of information to be harnessed by all. The one thing we have always loved about this community aside from the others out there…we welcome EVERYONE, beginners to experienced. We welcome all questions and are here to help people get started, improve current operations, or just follow grows with enthusiasm in everyone’s success. This will always be the mission of what we are trying to do here…help each other and make the growing community a better place!
MiscellaneousGot random rants and raves to talk about? Sales and Promo Codes to share? This is the place!
FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it. |