Drain and fill successful

Just had a successful drain and fill thank goodness! Got email and app alert also dispensed nutes which I was also worried about seeing that a couple ppl were getting disconnected and what not. Hope it stays on track I need this first grow for confidence boosting reasons! :laughing:


Nice 1 bud :+1: I’m due a water change any day now :crossed_fingers::pray::wink:


Just had my hand slapped for mentioning Those Who Cannot Be Named" in my post :flushed:!:roll_eyes:!

I understand & Fully Accept the rules I just get carried away now n then :flushed:!:rofl:!:seedling::seedling::seedling:


Gotcha! Hope I didn’t go too far with it.


Hope i will be able to dispense nutes tomorrow
So far i can fill, but it never stop by it self (beautiful mess if i dont stop it myself)

Zero nutes dispensed so far…
What a waste of money


Oh bugger :roll_eyes::flushed::face_with_raised_eyebrow:
:crossed_fingers::pray: I’m good when my time comes :face_with_raised_eyebrow:!!

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So some are still working it looks like. Nice. All mine are down, will not even connect or reconnect to wifi.

I moved everything out of them a little faster than I wanted to, not a lot of choice. :grinning:

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mine is now sitting in the shed, in the dark and in the cold with no electricity

It have now started it second carreer as a dust collector

Third and final carreer coming soon

Sledge Hammer Tester

Going to be so much fun

On a more grower note, i will go back to grow in soil this week as my plant can’t wait much longer for a more permanent solution

It’s been a fun ride

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Sorry to hear it is your first grow, i was lucky enough to have 3 successful and a total faillure due to root rot…
I learned a lot
I even had a grow of over 100 grams in this small box
I will try to consider those has being good memories :slight_smile:


I started moving mine too. :grinning: I left one in the basement to fool with if that guy doesn’t want it.

I will probably convert it to some kind of manual box and then try to sell it later on if he doesn’t.

Banished to the deep dark corner of the basement. :rofl:


I am curious about how many owner are still able to run their box?


Seems like a lot are still up. I know someone was posting another place theirs was down, so it is happening to more and more it seems.

Mine is still up and running


I’m running. Started a new recipe today.


I’m actually flushing my haze now on day 13 of flush don’t really know what I’m going to do after still have a full set of nutes an stuff but I really just don’t know because most of the grows u have to go into more bottles so that makes it really challenging :disappointed_relieved: since we can’t get anymore :+1:t2::dash::seedling:


Ditto bud :+1: & :crossed_fingers::pray: :seedling:!:seedling:!:seedling:!

So if the app isn’t working for some and nutes aren’t being dispensed. Is there a law suit waiting to happen ?

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Make sure your water sensors are moving freely they could be stuck on the plastic cover

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Personnally i tried pretty much everything i could…
It will just never stop filling and never dispensing any nutes

Ovepriced garbage

I am doing a grow now. Connected and working fine!