Ec probe calibration over and over

So I’m sanitizing for a new grow and I have the 2.77 solution. It keeps calibrating and saying it needs to be calibrated over and over. What gives? Does the air calibration then solution. Then says run a health check and every time says it needs calibration. :man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2: I swear this thing was built by special people. And last question is - does the ec probe even matter at this point? I’ve never had any issues as far as I know with the EC.

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I had the same thing happen but with a bluelab pH probe I got off Amazon. It finally checked good after about 10 tries. I do believe you are correct though. At this point, what does it matter. Probably was a way for GROBO to troubleshoot plant dosing issues

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