Grobo Connectivity and Management

Has anyone attempted to connect to their grobo by not utilizing the management tools provided by Grobo? Essentially, utilizing python or some other method to control the hardware? I am concerned with how long the company will continue to host the management utility, and without the hosting the hardware becomes unusable.

Is anyone else concerned or know of any alternatives?

I don’t want to reinvent the wheel- so before I start wiresharking and reverse engineering this device, I wanted to see who and what was available on this topic.



I think it’s over until citizens starts them back up. I’ve been unplugged for awhile now. There the company that bought grobo. I was told citizens was starting up soon. We’ll see.

Citizen Grown

– Citizen Grown

Our aim is to democratize cannabis. The solution to democratizing cannabis is to grow in your own home with our grow box. Our Citizens and CG app ensures the entire process is safe and monitored. Citizens simply loan us a small spot of their…

You can email them. I got a response within a couple days. Hope this helps.

There are some work around information for the grobo on the discord site if you like. :+1:t2:

There’s a Git project for it.

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