Grobo website wont start a grow. Keeps reloading webpage

I try to start a grow but when I click seed on the website. The page just reloads back to the beginning. My grobo has no issues. It’s some issue with the website not starting my grow. And the app still don’t work and it’s 2024

I have the same problem here no matter what I do I can’t add a new plant

btw we have 2 grobos the other one is working fine, but the one that won’t start a new recipe has been like that for the past 6 months after we finished a recipe.

Same problem here. Got my Grobo running and can access my account in the browser (not the app :frowning: ) but it will not let me start a grow. I can choose a recipe but it just takes me back to the add a plant page when I tap the grow button.

The anwser is to use Grobo GC app. Works perfect. Android doen not work.

IOS Apple app works still.