Oct-Nov 2023 Forum Update

We’re enhancing our forum by upgrading the server and this process will take between a few days to a couple of weeks. We’re also testing a backup server to ensure it works in case our main server has a problem. This will happen between Oct 21, 2023 - Nov 5, 2023.

While we’re doing this there might be brief periods when you can only read posts and can’t post anything. This keeps everything safe while we work and is usually expected to return to normal quickly.

If you see any problems, please tell us in this update thread. We want to hear from you and fix things fast.

Your feedback is valued as we work toward improving our forum. We’re genuinely interested in understanding what’s functioning well, identifying areas that might need attention, and recognizing any features or aspects that may be lacking. Feel free to initiate a discussion of your insights and ideas. :love_letter:

I’m grateful for your valuable contributions and excited to embrace the future together!

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